Monday, May 25, 2020

132 Roman Soldiers for only $1.98

This glorious color advertisement was in many of the comic books I read as a child.  I saw it so many times, and the art was so amazing that I finally broke down and sent in my order.

And a mere eternity of waiting later, this is what arrived. A box of yellow and blue flat plastic bits that barely stood up on a flat table, let alone a floor.  Needless to say, I was quite disappointed. However, I kept them around and still find one or two from time to time at the bottom of boxes that I'm cleaning out.

I'm not going to spend much more time on this as someone else has already done it all. For way more, please visit Doug's Soldiers post on Comic Book Toy Soldiers: Lucky Toys 132 Piece Roman Soldiers Set where Doug breaks down the set, piece by piece.